Summer break doesn’t have to mean a break from good dental hygiene. Summertime is important for keeping up with good brushing and flossing habits with your kids. However, many parents struggle with staying on track. From sweet summer treats to changes in routine, it’s easy to get off track with brushing and flossing. Booking a midyear dental appointment can easily slip through the cracks when summer schedules are booked!


Don’t let your child(ren) wake up one day in the fall to serious cavities and decay! Keep reading to get some practical tips on how to keep your child’s teeth healthy during summer break. We promise you won’t have to take away any of your child’s summer fun to keep their teeth in great shape while school’s out!


The Impact of Summer on Kids’ Oral Health

For most families, summer marks a significant change in daily routines. The regular school schedule may be replaced with relaxing days at home, camp sessions, exciting vacations, or extended visits with grandma and grandpa. These changes can quickly shake kids out of the twice-daily brushing routines they easily follow during school months. When they aren’t leaving for school every morning, kids may skip brushing after breakfast. Kids may not be getting their usual reminders to brush and floss if they’re in the care of extended family or camp counselors during summer. Several weeks of lackluster oral care can begin a spiral into plaque buildup, cavities, and decay.


Changes in diet during summertime can also pose risks for oral health. When kids are home all day, they are more likely to snack or “graze” throughout the day. If they are away from home, they may be offered more snacks or refined foods than they normally eat at home. Extra snacks can increase cavity-causing plaque buildup if strict brushing habits aren’t being followed.

There’s also one hidden cavity risk during the summertime that most parents don’t know about. Did you know that being dehydrated can increase risks for cavities? It’s true!


“Dry mouth also increases the risk for tooth decay or fungal infections in the mouth because saliva helps keep harmful germs in check,” according to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. Saliva moistens and breaks down foods while we eat. It’s also full of calcium, phosphate, and other minerals that help to keep teeth strong, healthy, and resistant to decay. Hotter temperatures and increased physical activity can put kids at risk for dehydration and dry mouth during the summer.


Best Practices for Maintaining Kids’ Oral Health

The most important thing you can do for your child’s oral health this summer is to ensure they follow a consistent oral hygiene routine. If the rest of their routine has changed, consider setting timers to remind them when it’s time to brush. Limiting the number of sugary snacks and acidic drinks kids consume is also important. Finally, make sure that kids are staying hydrated to promote proper saliva production that helps with a healthy mouth biome!


Activities to Promote Good Oral Health

One of the best ways parents can promote good oral health this summer is to focus on healthy snacks. Spend time whipping up teeth-friendly snacks made with fresh fruit, crisp vegetables, and calcium-rich foods that promote strong teeth. Try these yummy combinations:

  • Strawberries and melon with yogurt dip.
  • Cucumbers dipped in hummus.
  • String cheese with orange slices.
  • Avocados on whole-wheat toast.
  • Candy-free trail mix.


If you’re struggling to get your kid to drink enough water in the summertime, consider getting them a new water bottle. You can even make a summer craft out of decorating the outside of the bottle. Set a goal for how many times the bottle should be refilled daily.


The Role of Regular Dental Visits

While school may be out, the dentist is always in! Don’t be afraid to schedule a cleaning during the summer. If you know you will have a hectic summer, schedule your child’s cleaning before or after summer break. If your family got off track with dental cleanings, now is a great time to resume regular appointments. Rest assured that the Premier Dental and Cosmetics team fully understands the struggle families face with staying on track with dental cleanings and checkups during the pandemic. Our office takes every precaution to keep patients healthy and safe during their visits.


Summer can still be sweet without the cavities! When you prioritize good habits and stay on track with brushing and flossing, your family won’t have to worry about an autumn full of problems following a summer full of fun. The tips shared above should keep you on the right path. Of course, our dentists are here to help you if you have any specific concerns about your child’s dental habits. Contact Premier Dental and Cosmetics today to schedule a dental checkup for your child!