Oral Health2024-03-08T13:55:01-05:00
Oral Health

What does the phrase “oral health” mean to you? No new cavities at your dental checkup? That’s certainly part of it. But it’s really so much more than a lack of tooth decay.

Good oral health means a mouth that’s free of disease – which can range all the way from mild gingivitis (gum inflammation) to oral cancer; a bite that functions well enough for you to eat without pain and get ample nutrition; and a smile that lets you express your happiest emotions with confidence. Simply put, oral health is a crucial component of your overall health and well-being.

It’s important to realize that small – and readily treatable – problems in your mouth can become more complicated, painful and expensive if neglected for too long. Some of these oral health conditions may even have ramifications throughout the whole body. Gingivitis, for example, can sometimes progress to periodontitis – a more serious form of gum disease that can loosen teeth and cause them to fall out. Missing teeth can lead to bone loss in the jaw and inadequate nutrition. And numerous studies have shown that people with severe gum disease may be at increased risk for developing cardiovascular disease. The moral of this story: Routine maintenance can pay off big.

What You Can Do to Stay Healthy

One of the most important things you can do to safeguard your oral health is to maintain a daily oral hygiene routine that effectively removes plaque from your teeth. It’s the bacteria that thrive in the plaque biofilm that cause so many oral health problems. Effective oral hygiene involves brushing your teeth twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste and flossing at least once per day to remove plaque from between the teeth.

Nutrition and lifestyle choices also play an important role. You don’t have any control over hereditary factors that may predispose you to gum disease – but you do have control over how much sugar you eat and when you eat it; how often you exercise; whether you smoke; and how often you visit the dentist.

How Dentistry Can Help

If you only see a dentist when problems arise, you may be missing out on some important benefits! As doctors who specialize in oral health, dentists offer a wide range of preventive services. At your regular exams, for example, you will be checked for any signs of oral cancer, tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral infections; hard-to-reach deposits from your teeth will be cleaned; and you can get answers to any questions you have on topics ranging from oral hygiene issues to the connection between oral health and systemic diseases.

So please don’t wait for a serious problem to come up before you make an appointment at the dental office. Having regular checkups could save you lots of time, aggravation, and cost in the long run. It could even save your teeth! Working together, we can take proactive steps toward a healthy future.

Seasonal Foods That Promote Strong Teeth During Autumn

Categories: Oral Health, Patient Education|Tags: , |

The change of seasons from summer into fall means new crops of fruits and vegetables will spring up at farms and headed to grocery stores and farmers' markets across the country. Many of these foods are great for fostering strong teeth and gums during the season and throughout the rest of the year. Maintaining excellent oral health could be beneficial for various purposes, including preventing cancer, thwarting tooth decay, and helping boost your confidence. [...]

Understanding Dry Mouth as the Weather Gets Colder

Categories: Oral Health, Oral Hygiene, Patient Education|Tags: |

Xerostomia, more commonly known as dry mouth, occurs when there is insufficient saliva to keep the mouth sufficiently moist. When the air cools down, it is not as humid as it is during the summer. Cooler air hardly carries any moisture at all. Turning on your heater does not alleviate this situation. It heats your home but does not add moisture to the air and exacerbates dry mouth.    Understanding Dry Mouth  Other than [...]

How to Maintain Oral Hygiene During Summer Vacations

Categories: Oral Health, Oral Hygiene, Patient Education|Tags: |

Traveling during your summer vacation helps to shake up your routine. While spending time in a new environment is great for your mental health, you also want to make sure that traveling doesn’t negatively impact your teeth and gums. Maintaining good oral hygiene during your travels helps to give you a bright smile for those amazing vacation photos, and you’ll enjoy knowing that your teeth are still in great condition when you get home. [...]

Hydration and Dental Health: Staying Hydrated in Georgia’s Heat

Categories: Oral Health, Oral Hygiene|Tags: |

Plastic water bottles have become a common sight in today's culture. People who are active, as well as those with a more sedentary lifestyle, recognize the importance of staying hydrated for good health and a long life. However, the significance of water intake goes beyond promoting healthy skin and a strong metabolism. Adequate water intake also has substantial benefits for oral health. Water does more than rinse the mouth after brushing; it plays a [...]

Extractions vs Fillings: Which Is Better?

Categories: Oral Health, Patient Education|Tags: , , |

When you have cavities or decay, you have a choice between extractions and fillings. This is a pivotal decision to preserve your oral health and function. It's important to understand the circumstances that warrant each procedure. Knowing how to determine which option is best for you is vital to maintain your dental well-being. In this blog, we explore why someone may need an extraction or a filling. We go over what each procedure entails. [...]

The Positives and Negatives of Dental Sealants

Categories: Oral Health, Patient Education|Tags: |

Dental sealants are a common preventive dental treatment. They protect against cavities and decay, especially in vulnerable areas of the teeth. Sealants can provide significant benefits in maintaining oral health. But you have to weigh both the positives and negatives with this dental procedure. In this blog, we will delve into why someone may need dental sealants. We also provide the advantages of sealants and the potential drawbacks to consider. Why Someone Would Need [...]

Financing Options

CareCredit is here to help you pay for treatments and procedures your insurance doesn’t cover. We offer No Interest* financing or low minimum monthly payment options so you can get what you want, when you want it. You can even use CareCredit for your family and favorite pet.

With three simple steps, including an instant approval process, it’s easy to apply for CareCredit. After you’re approved, you’re free to use CareCredit for the services you choose including LASIK, veterinary, dentistry, cosmetic, hearing aids and more.

CareCredit is endorsed by some of the most credible organizations specific to each healthcare profession we support. And CareCredit is a GE Money Company, so you know you can count on us. For over 20 years, we’ve been helping over five million cardholders get the healthcare treatments they want and need. Now you don’t have to worry about saving up for the procedures you want and need. With CareCredit, the decision’s in your hands to get what you want, when you want it. For more information or to apply online, visit carecredit.com.

Insurance and Billing

As a courtesy, Premier Cosmetic & Family Dentistry will file most major PPO insurance plans for patient reimbursement. However, we are not under contract with any insurance company; rather, we participate in the non-restrictive portion of the plan. We strongly feel that this is in the patient’s best interest. Please feel free to call our office if you have any further questions, we will be happy to assist you.

Payment Options

We accept checks, cash or credit cards.

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